









Sekilas Tentang TEKNIK MESIN


Period of Dutch Colony : 1920-1945

Under Dutch colony, Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (THS) was the only school of engineering in Indonesia situated in Bandung, West Java. During World War II, Japanese Military took over this engineering school and changed its name to become “Koo Gyo Dai Gaku”.

The Post World War II Era : 1945-1949

Following the Japanese surrender to the Allies in August 1945, proclamation of Indonesia independence was declared. Koo Gyo Dai Gaku was then under control of the new Indonesian Government and its name was again changed to Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Bandung (STT Bandung). However, due to clash as the Allies arrived in some cities in Indonesia including Bandung, the Indonesian Government moved the capital city of Indonesia from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. As a result, STT Bandung was also moved to Yogyakarta on January 6th, 1946.

On February 17th 1946, STT Bandung was founded in Yogyakarta. In the beginning, STT Bandung in Yogyakarta had three sections only, namely Civil Engineering Section, Mechanical-Electrical Engineering Section and Chemical Engineering Section. At the same time, a private university called Balai Perguruan Tinggi (BPT) Swasta Gadjah Mada was also founded on March 3rd 1946. However due to Dutch military aggression on March 3rd 1948, these two institutions were closed.

Period of Creating the Department : 1949-1955

After Dutch occupation of Indonesia ended, Universiteit Negeri Gadjah Mada (UNGM) was established on December 19th 1945 under the support of the Government of Republic of Indonesia. The university was amalgamation of BPT Swasta Gadjah Mada, STT Bandung and School of Medicine in Klaten, Central Java. The UNGM was then called Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

After the Government of Republic of Indonesia returned to Jakarta, many lecturers and staff of UNGM also moved to Jakarta so that Faculty of Engineering in UNGM had no human resources so that the Section of Mechanical and Electrical was closed in 1950.

Period of Development of the Department : 1955-1966 (Part I)

Due to lacks of lecturers and facilities such as laboratories and books, Faculty of Engineering grew slowly. To solve this problem, Indonesia’s Ministry of Education named P&K signed agreement with the US Government for collaboration. As a result, UGM received US aid in the form of affiliation with University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1955. Following this agreement, UCLA provided lecturers, laboratory facilities and books to UGM until 1964. In addition, Indonesian lecturers were given chance to study in USA. In 1959, the Section of Mechanical-Electrical Engineering was re-opened by Prof.Ir. Soenarjo and Ir. Soesilo (Indonesian railway corporation). However, academic activities were slowed down as Ir. Soesilo leaved Yogyakarta.

After Ir. Dharmawan Tjipto Harijono joined the Mechanical Engineering Section in 1960, academic activities were running well. Unfortunately, political situation in Indonesia got worse in 1964-1965 before PKI revolt. As a result, the aids from UCLA were stopped. Fortunately, some first alumni had already joined the Section as lecturers so that academic activities were not disturbed significantly.

Period of Development of the Department : 1989-Now (Part II)

This period was marked by establishment of modern Faculty of Engineering’s buildings situated in Grafika Street no.2, Yogyakarta in 1989. The name of “Section” was changed to “Department” according to The Government Regulation (PP No.5 tahun 1985). The Department of Mechanical Engineering has three main buildings with the total area of 6,500 m2 in the campus area.

To meet the needs for better education and growing industries, the Department of Mechanical Engineering established Postgraduate programs, i.e Doctor Program on September 29th 1993 followed by Master Program on March 9th 1995 with the fields of study of Energy and Mechanics of Materials. To anticipate fast growing industries in Indonesia, the Department of Mechanical Engineer expanded the programs by adding Industrial Engineering Study Program for undergraduate program based on the Government Regulation (SK DIKTI tanggal 2 April 1998). As a consequence, the Department of Mechanical Engineering was changed to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering based on SK Rektor UGM No. 225/P/SK/HT/2007 starting from 30 July 2007. To support Industrial Engineering Program, Master Program in Industrial Engineering was founded on February 11th 2008.

In 2010, Master Program in the Department Mechanical and Industrial Engineering were expanded with four fields of study, namely Engineering Materials, Applied Mechanics, Energy Conversion and Manufacture. In 2012, a new field of study, namely Biomedical Engineering was also added to the Master Program.

On September 21st 2015, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering was allowed to establish Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering so that up to now, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering has six study programs, namely :

Undergraduate Programs

  1. Mechanical Engineering Study Program
  2. Industrial Engineering Study Program

Master Programs

  1. Mechanical Engineering Study Program
  2. Industrial Engineering Study Program

Doctoral Programs

  1. Mechanical Engineering Study Program
  2. Industrial Engineering Study Program


The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering has 14 laboratories with 9 of which belong to Mechanical Engineering Study Program. These laboratories are aimed to support the attainment of student outcomes through course-related laboratory works. These laboratories also support research activities conducted by faculty members and (graduate) students.





To be the world class department of mechanical and industrial engineering in education and research.


To carry out education, research and community services in the field of mechanical and industrial engineering, in order to meet the requirements of the society and the engineering world.

The above mission is elaborated into the following actions:

  1. To carry out internationally renowned undergraduate (and postgraduate) education in mechanical and industrial engineering.
  2. To carry out high quality research and community services.
  3. To retrieve and develop indigenous national values sustainably.
  4. To foster and develop responsible management of the department.
  5. To provide services and campus facilities with advanced technologies.
  6. To establishing symmetrical collaboration networks in the local, national and international levels.

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